Saturday, January 17, 2009

Date Night Friday Night!

We went out last night. We had such a good time. We ate the Macaroni Grill which was FABULOUS! They had the best Riesling ever too! Then after we went bowling. It was so gangsta lol. We were probably the oldest people in there. We bowled til midnight. It was so fun. We don't get to go out a ton bc of the kiddos so it was definitely nice to get out! 

We are in the process of church shopping. I haven't been to church in forever. I feel bad saying this but I kinda lost some faith after my friend passed away when I was pregnant with Hunter. She had cancer for the 3rd time and was also pregnant with her 4th, a little boy. She was almost 20 weeks. I was so angry I couldn't understand why God would take away this beautiful woman from her 3 children and her being pregnant. I did a lot of soul searching since then. I know that God has a plan for everyone and I have to trust in that. So we are heading back to church. We have a good friend and neighbor who is a minister so we are going to check out their church. They have a huge youth program and a lot of young married people with kids. We have another one that is a little bigger with a HUGE youth program and we are going to check them out too. I have a family church but after my parents got divorced it just really didn't feel like home anymore. So I am excited to start this journey as a family. 

Well I am going to hit the hay and go snuggle with my hubby. And force a back rub out of him. I was worn out this morning. I am not used to doing it up anymore lol. Hope everyone's having a great weekend! :)

Friday, January 16, 2009

To move or not to move

It is so freaking cold! I have my heat on 75 which I know is really high but I get really cold! I don't even want to go anywhere bc its so cold. The kids are finally feeling better. Hunter is still not in perfect health but way better. We have been throwing around the idea of moving sooner than we have planned. I really want to then I really don't want too. We are doing some redecorating inside and added some new crown molding and a case molding in the kitchen and living room entrance. we have look around but haven't found anything perfect. We talked about holding out and buying my in laws place which is amazing and where we got married so that would be kinda sweet. Its got a huge yard and its got so much room so  it would be perfect for us. But then we would have to wait 2 years. We are talking about finishing the upstairs but that's a lot of work. We have a nice setup and we have a lot of amenities like our backyard and those of you who have been here know its pimp lol. We are gonna add a fan on the covered porch and a tv this spring and we have the fire pit and all that. I don't know. We will see. Its a great time to buy right now there just isn't anything perfect yet that I am in love with. 

We are going out to eat tonight. I can't wait. I have been couped up for a week now! Actually over a week! So I am excited to have a little grown up time. We are painting this weekend, well Scotty is lol. I have a session on Sunday. I am excited for that. I have a lot of new stuff coming up. I need to set up a website but I have been very lazy about that! My best friend and I were talking today about turning 30 we are 3 days apart. But how at 30 its hard to get older but at the same time you know yourself so much better than you did when you hit 20. But as you pass these "age brackets" you think to yourself all the things you wish you had or thought you would have completed at that point in your life. I will say for the most part I am really happy with a lot of the things that i have completed but I thought I would have my degree. Its the one thing that really bugs me. I was never really ready for it any sooner. I started a lot and never finished. It wasn't something that was as important to me. This fall hunter starts his moms day out so I think that when he does I am going to start taking a few classes. I am not totally certain what I want my degree to be in but I have narrowed it down. Its not like I am going to be using it right now but I would like to have that. There are some little things that I am starting to add to my list like trips I want to take. I want to go to Tahiti. I would like to go to Europe. So I am making a new list of things I would like to accomplish. Its kind of exciting. But anywhooooo. I am going to start beautifying myself and my little candy monster is standing here pulling my shirt. Those of you who know me know I LOVE smarties and Hunter is now addicted. Great!! Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

In the clear......

I hope. Its all smiles and giggles here this morning. I am hoping we are on the way to getting well. I hope I don't get the stomach bug. But everyone is feeling better. Not as much snot, no throwing up, no smelly diarrhea! lol I have been degerming for about 2 hours now. I got up early while the kids were snoozing. So fingers crossed we are in the clear!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Its official

That I am really old. Supposedly 30 is the new 20 well Blue Cross doesn't think so. I got a letter in the mail saying that my TRH health coverage will be changing and is being increased bc I am "moving into a new age bracket" So now I must pay $30 extra  a month bc I am old even though I am in better shape and health than most 20 year olds! lol Oh well. 

I have laid in bed all day and I think I am starting to get bed sores. C has a huge fever. She always gets these crazy high fevers. Its really scary. She hasn't eaten anything all day but half a cracker. She is just pitiful. I gave her a bath and was drying her hair and she started to fall asleep. I hope she gets better soon. She hasn't been sick in awhile so maybe that part has passed. I just hope that H doesn't get it or myself for that matter.

House of Sick

Caroline woke me up at 4 something and said her bed was wet. So I went in there and there was this clump thing of throw up. It looked like cat food so I threw the cat out in the garage and changed the sheets and laid down with her for awhile. After Scotty left for work this morning I usually get up and tuck the kids back in their blankets and turn the alarm back on. Sometimes I move the kids both in my bed to all sleep together. Well I went into Carolines room and look at her bed and she isn't in it which made my heart drop into my stomach. She was laying on the floor by the door on a blanket. She had thrown up in her bed and on the floor and on the blanket she was on. I got her up and cleaned her up put her in my bed. We slept for about an hour and then she was throwing up in the bed. she started to throw up and I don't know what I was thinking but I caught it in my hands. it was really gross. lol True love is what that is! I have gone through 4 sets of sheets and 2 blankets. I have been doing laundry for 3 hours now. lol And a hole roll of tp. Hunter is on the mend but I guess he s gonna get this stomach virus too. I have  been lucky all winter and the kids haven't been sick but now they are. So we are homebound again. I was hoping we could get out today bc I am going stircrazy. We are usually on the go everyday. We are rarely home during the day except for nap time. So this is no fun. i hope C gets better soon. She is pitiful. I am off to go lay in bed again with the kids and watch more cartoons. 

Monday, January 12, 2009

My poor baby

Hunter is so sick! He has pneumonia. He has been really sick. He is starting to get better slowly. He has never been sick so this has been really hard. He has been sleeping a lot and just laying around but today he is starting to play a little. He has had  2 doses of antibiotics so I think he will be better in a few days. Caroline had her test for DS on Saturday. She did well on it I guess bc she has been called back for another interview. They made cuts so we will see. I have been praying really hard about it. Scotty got her in ipod which she asked for for Christmas and I loaded it up full of songs last night. lol She just thinks she is to cool. Its very sweet. Well I am going to get off here and snuggle with Hunter. He is starting to get fussy again poor baby! Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Sickety sick baby

Poor Hunter is so sick. He has never had a fever or anything so he is pitiful. I took him to the dr and he said he had a virus. Hopefully he will be better in a few days. Fortunately Caroline has not gotten it yet. She has a test for one of the schools we are trying to get her into on Saturday. We toured Providence today. I LOVE it there. Its just expensive so we are going to apply and it will be our last choice school. I think. Scotty has been looking at houses and we are going to see them tomorrow so that also will factor in to the school choice. I am really really stressing schools. Can you tell! I love providence bc its 8-12. The teachers are constantly teaching and they are always busy. It was amazing to watch them today. Caroline really liked it. She said ok I am ready to go look at another school! lol I hope she does well on her test sat. I think she will but it has now been narrowed down to 100 kids. There are I think 40 spots maybe? So at least she is in the narrowed down spot. I can't believe she is about to be 5. We planned her bday party today at Bounce U. She is excited!

We are rug shopping right now and for all of you who like girly rugs Dash and Albert rugs are amazing! Anyway. I am going to watch Greys and ER. I am starting to feel fluey! I hope I don't get sick!! And everyone GO TITANS this weekend~!!!!!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

I just cried I laughed so hard!!

The things I decide to do at 1am. lol I just laughed so hard I woke Scotty up. I hope you guys get a kick out of it as much as I did!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!!

I am looking forward to a new year. This year is going to bring so many changes! Hunter starts school well moms day out this fall. Caroline turns 5. I have yet another! We didn't do much on new years eve. went to my friends house with her kids and they ran around til midnight then we went home and all went to bed. I took my tree down yesterday. I was glad to get it down bc Hunter keeps pulling all my stuff off the tree so it was looking rough on the bottom! I have to share with everyone well those who love skincare, I got this new soap at Ulta. Its Bolba. Its amazing! Its for older people so you young folks don't need it. But its amazing! And Ulta rocks if I do say so myself! Well we are going to head to the gym and then Caroline and I have a few art projects we are going to do today! Hope everyone has a great day!